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C3 Blog

Here I will post patterns I like as well as thoughts and feelings.




Crazy Crystal’s Hemp Necklaces




I love to make hemp necklaces. I have created many different patterns that I use on a regular basis. I found the original pattern by buying one of those pre-made sets from a craft store. That gave me what I call the basic knot work pattern.  I use this as well as the basic braid and the fishtail braid to make my necklaces. However, I have been researching other knots and braids to use as well. Most the necklaces I make, I give away to friends and family members. I used to make my twins a new necklace every year. Then they got too big and didn’t want them anymore. My older kids still like them though.  The patterns can change in length, difficulty, and because of the beads you add. The beads are what interest me the most. I love going to the stores or the bead shops and looking at all the different shapes and patterns and then thinking about how they would best fit together in an awesome hemp necklace.  I love a large centerpiece with smaller beadwork throughout.  I also like to use at least three bead patterns or colors. The hemp is a different story though. I only like to use the light colored basic hemp. This is because I find it is stronger than any of the hemp with coloring. The dark brown hemp has proven to fall apart after about a year or so of constant wear. Still pretty good odds but not perfect. The necklaces made of just light colored hemp will last until you cut, chew on, or grow out of it. The way the beads are put on contribute the weakness in the hemp, so I like to use bead I can put two hemp strings through the center of for better strength. The picture is of the first hemp necklace in a basic pattern. The infinity necklace. This one is quick and easy to do. The first one may take hours, maybe even days to complete but once your brain locks onto the pattern you will be able to do one in about 45 minutes.    


I have found that the best way to start is to use six strings that measure from the tip of your fingers on one hand to the tip on the other hand spread out across your body. For a normal sized person this will make a normal sized necklace. If you make it larger it will increase the length from choker to chest length. You can tell how big the necklace will be if you fold the string in half and wrap it around your neck and then pull it about 3 inches. I also make necklaces out of just four strings but they do not last as long. If you want to do different colors it is best to do 3 strings of each.  If I want to use dark brown contrast but not have it weaken the pattern I only do two stings of it. That is the way I will demonstrate it for this purpose. Take all six strings and knot them together. For quicker workings I take a safety pin and put it through the original knot and pin it to the bed/couch or my pant leg. Then Pick two strings to be in the middle for best strength. Otherwise, you can pick just two strings to be the knot work. You can also switch back and forth.  I will be using two strings in the middle and two on the outside with the dark brown in the middle.  Take the left side and bring it to the middle in front of the two middle strings.  Then put the right string over the top of the left one then behind the dark brown one. Then up and through the loop of the left string, and pull through and pull tight. Some people count knots, I go by inches. So now you would continue those two knots for about an inch. This is where I would put my first bead for a long necklace about an inch to two inches from the clasp area. For a necklace that will be for a child or a choker I would go about three or four inches before placing a bead.




Now comes the fun part, picking and placing the beadwork. You can have a simple one color bead style or a centerpiece necklace. You could also go all out and use as many beads as will fit. This is where I normally change colors or the type of knot work, depending on what I am doing. It is easier to hide the bulkiness of a color changed with beads. If you want the bead in the middle of the pattern like the picture put it on the two middle strings. If you would rather it was off to the side use one of the side strings. After trying a few things you will find what is right for your pattern. Now, since you have been tying knots left string in front, you would switch and put the right string in front but only one time. Then tie the next knots forward with the left over the right. Tying one knot the opposite way helps to keep the bead secure and the string from twisting oddly where there is a bead.



Start like you would for the basic knot with six or four strings. Now take the right side and bring it to the middle in front of the two middle strings. You are doing the opposite of what we just did to form the spiral pattern seen here. Then put the left string over the top of the right one and then also behind the dark ones. Then pull up and through the loop of the right string and pull through and tight. Take the left side and bring it to the middle in front of the two middle strings. Then put the right string over the top of the left one then behind the dark brown one. Then up and through the loop of the left string, and pull through and pull tight. So you alternate going in front with left then right to make what I think looks like a ladder pattern. It is a bit thicker looking but sturdy.



               The clasp is completely optional in a hemp necklace. These are made to be durable and worn constantly until they break hopefully 2 or 3 years down the line. Most hemp necklaces have a long bit of string on each end for you to set the length you like best and then tie it off and leave it on. I do this with most the necklaces I make. However, there are certain styles of necklace that look better or work better with a clasp. I have made several of these for my daughters since they like to change jewelry more than once every two years. The clasp is easy to do just find the right length for your necklace and tie the open end clasp to one end and the circle or stick for the clasp on the other end. Cut off any excess string.




To change the color while putting on the bead you first cross two of your strings, putting what is my dark brown string on the outside and visible. This gives a checkered or striped appearance to the basic pattern. It gives the ladder pattern a solid brown middle.  When I change colors by the bead I first make an opposite knot example: if I was trying right to left I change for one knot. Then I place the bead on the color that is going to be in the middle. I do another opposite knot. Then go back to the pattern as usual. I would do the same if changing the pattern as well. One opposite knot then start new pattern. Or put the bead on tie the opposite knot then start new pattern.



          For a softer feel the first time you wear the necklace you can soak it in hair conditioner overnight. If it is not going to be worn consistently and washed while you shower you can use regular shampoo and conditioner to wash the hemp necklace. For any other questions you can e-mail me anytime.  





Life was busy there for a while like it tends to get. I have been studying and researching different aspects of doing this and have found several new outlets. So back to the grind. I have many new hemp necklaces I need to make. I bought awesome beads and charms. So I will be posting those pictures on my Etsy and Facebook pages. And here of course. Gave away my scarves so I need to make new ones. This happens to me alot! I make something to sell and then I see a person who it fits and I just have to pair them up. I will also start posting my finised painting I intend to sell. as well as the ones i dont intend to sell. :) welp, back to it.







Getting ready for winter by making potatochip scarves. I may also try a berries in the snow scarf with purple to see how that looks. will post both patterns i used.


Berries in the snow from
any 4 ply yarn.... I use redheart team spirit burgundy ( looks red to me)  and white
j hook ( I am using my J a lot lately)

* in this scarf you always want to dc around your chain 6 NEVER dc around your triple* This scarf was inspired by queen anne's lace
* there is lots of turning so don't get dizzy, and don't get confused it is quite easy and quick once you get it! Find me on facebook or email me if you need help!

Motif 1
chain 6 , triple ( total of 4 loops pull through 2 at a time) crochet into the first chain,turn, chain 3, 11 dc, ( 12 dc total first chain 3 counts as dc) chain 3 turn, sc, into the top of the first dc, chain 3 and sc into each stitch

Motif 2 and every other motif,

** You want to alternate the curve part of your motif so TURN every time you start a new motif.
motif one, chain 6 start of triple crochet *** see how I chained and  turned and the triple crochets so the chain part was opposite of the last motif? YOU always want that.

to make a triple, its just like a double just one extra loop.
at this point you turn and chain 3 and do 11 dc around the ch 6 NOT the triple!

this is what your 2 motifs should look like, keep alternating until you have the length you like.
the start or motif 3, see you it alternates?



chain 6 *turn* , triple ( total of 4 loops pull through 2 at a time) crochet into the first chain,turn, chain 3, 11 dc, ( 12 dc total first chain 3 counts as dc)  SLIP stitch into the previous motif, chain 3 turn, sc, into the top of the first dc, chain 3 and sc into each stitch



continue motif 2 until you have the desired length I make most of my scarfs to be about 6 ft , a longer scarf and be slimming :) however feel free to make as long or short as you desire :)


potatochip scarf from favorite crafts free email


A=1st color

B=2nd color

I have made both black and white and red and white


    With A, ch 221.
    Row 1: Sc in 2nd chain from hook and in each chain across – 220 sc.
    Row 2: Ch 2, turn, *2 hdc in next st, hdc in next st; repeat from * across – 330 hdc.
    Row 3: Ch 2, turn, *2 hdc in next st, hdc in next st; repeat from * to across – 495 sts.
    Row 4: Ch 2, turn, *2 hdc in next st, hdc in next st; repeat from * across to last st, hdc in last st – 742 sts.
    Row 5: Ch 2, turn, *2 hdc in next st, hdc in next st; repeat from * across – 1113 sts.
    Row 6: Change to B, ch 3, turn, dc in each st across.
    Fasten off.
    Weave in ends.




So I finished my potato chip scraf in purple and pink. It is awesome! I uploaded the pictures here and on facebook. Now I am starting another potato chip scarf but this time in pink, cream and brown.

Both times I have used a thicker yarn and I like the effect. It seems to be much warmer than the one I made for me in a softer but thinnner yarn. I didnt like my berries in the snow that I started. It was not turning out the way I want ed and now I want to get a different yarn and try again. Hopefully people like the scarves as much as the butterflies.




I just finished a blog on hubpages about my Butterfly Barrettes. I am now reposting it here. :)


Butterfly Barrettes




The original pattern “Jamie’s Butterflies” was found online, late one night a few years ago. I am in LOVE with this pattern. Here is the original article I read. . This article has great descriptions and pictures of the work. I changed the pattern to make it the way I ended up liking it best. I have made a large amount of these and plan to sell them someday, somewhere. I have made these in small, medium, and large sizes. I can see them working really well with a flower blanket or purse pattern as an add-on as well. Here is my way of doing this great craft.

Butterfly Barrettes

You can make them any size but for the sake of fitting onto the alligator clips I choose to use, they end up being about 1 -2 inches across and 1.5 – 2.5 inches long.


 Yarn - I have tried many different kinds from wool to peaches and cream. They all give a different added effect making each butterfly unique.  So be creative.

I used black and green embroider floss, and still do sometimes on the smaller butterflies, but prefer to use thinner black or green yarn instead. I do have a couple of butterflies made with pipe cleaner for the body and antennae and googley eye stickers.

Hook - I prefer a smaller one because I really go for uniqueness when I create a butterfly so I have even switched the hook out when switching colors using the smaller one for the beginning.


Stickers (or as I call them stick-on) - The stickers tend to peel off too quickly so I use a glue gun and a dab of glue to help keep these on.

Barrettes – After trying a few different kinds I fell in love with the alligator clip style barrette. I use a small line of glue here as well to keep the barrette stuck to the butterfly.

R1: Create a “magic loop”, I have read different things online (different pages) about how many loops to make a magic loop so I just experimented and I like six the best. Six also works best with the following instruction. If you change the loop size you have to change the number of stiches done in the rest of the pattern as well. This can determine how big your butterfly is though, if you do a loop of 4 verses a loop of 8 you can change the way the wings look and everything. All the butterflies I do end up with a clear upper wing which is bigger and a clear lower wing that is smaller.

Chain 2 (counts as first double crotchet), 2 more double crotchet, chain 1, 7 times, (you can do more, 3 double crotchet chain 1, to make different looking, and more unique wings) slip stitch to the chain 2 to close round, (there will be eight 3 double crotchet clusters, and eight chain spaces) This makes the body of the butterfly so whichever color is done here is seen as the body.


R2: Change color here for the wings.  6 double crotchet in next chain space, slip stitch in center stitch of next dc cluster, (this is your upper wing so you can do these in one color and the 5 double crotchet in a new color. Because butterflies are all about mixing beautiful colors.)  5 double crotchet in next chain space, slip stitch in center stitch of next double crotchet cluster, 2 times. Then 6 double crotchet in next chain space, slip stitch in center stitch of next double crotchet cluster, 2 times. 5 double crotchet in next chain space, slip stitchin center stich of next double crotchet cluster, 2 times.  6 double crotchet in next chain space, slip stitch in center stitch of next double crotchet. Fold in half where it looks best to you.

Now take your black or green floss or yarn and cut a six inch length off. Wrap it neatly around the middle of the butterfly, and put the knot where you want the butterflies head to be. Next get the stickers and decide where you want them, add a dab (very small) to where you are going to place the sticker on the butterfly. Carefully apply. (Hot glue is well hot) ;)  Now take your barrette and add a small line of hot glue to where it will stick to your butterfly. Carefully attach butterfly be either putting alligator barrette through the yarn/floss that makes up the body and holding in place, or if it is a different type of barrette just sticking the butterfly to it. I have lots of pictures on my website of finished butterfly barrettes.




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